9:03 AM

Ice: La Glace

After the past two weeks, I have determined that Southern Indiana doesn't get snow and that Colorado doesn't get ice. This will strike many as odd, "Of course Colorado gets ice!" However, I answer them, "No, it doesn't." You see, ice in Colorado is the result of melting snow. In Indiana, ice comes straight from the heavens. Some might tell me that that is hail, not ice. However, they are still wrong. If it was hail, you wouldn't be slipping and sliding all over the place fifteen minutes after it starts icing. It makes for some gorgeous scenery, but it's a pain in the butt.

I came to this conclusion about a week and four days ago. February 11th. The day had begun fairly pleasantly, although pretty darn cold. But by noon, it was snowing. It was actually pretty neat 'cause they were really big fat flakes. Well, in any case, it snowed for several hours, and then the snow turned to ice balls. Not hail. This were ice/snow pellets raining from the sky (which was the usual February gray). By 7:00 PM we had a good four inches of snow (why S. Indiana doesn't get snow) plus another three inches of solid ice and it was still snowing. So, evening classes had been cancelled and all classes the next day were cancelled as well. The stuff stuck around until Sunday when most of it melted. Then, yesterday, it iced again. Afternoon and evening classes were cancelled, and so were 8:00 classes today.

Hence, Colorado doesn't have ice.