12:09 AM

February in Indiana

Apparently, Indiana has been dubbed a "female" state. Especially during February. To give an example of "her" moodswings, I will describe the weather of the past few days. The first few days in February were cold, as is to be expected for winter. And then, the weather took a sharp turn. The day before yesterday it rained a lot in the late evening so that by morning it was 53 degrees with a humidity of close to 100%. Today it rained (and by rained I mean poured) most of the day. In fact, I was woken up at 4:30 AM because of the thunder clashing right outside my dormroom window. I also had to walk to my 8:00 AM class in the pouring rain and thunder, as well as through several very deep muddy puddles. Good thing I was going to do laundry today anyway. There was also 94% humidity. Goregeous, no? And tomorrow the winds come in and the tempurature drops to the low forties (but is back in the fifties on Friday), with mid-forties forcasted for the weekend as well as sparse showers. I guess I should get used to this rainy weather; I'm stuck with it for four more years, and even when I study abroad I'm going to places where it rains.