10:41 PM


It seems like my life is filled with goodbyes. Maybe they aren't always emminent, but they're always there.

Today, I said goodbye to six more Japanese students. Tuesday, I say goodbye to the rest of the guys from last summer, and later this summer I say goodbye to all of my friends here in Colorado.

But, you know, goodbyes aren't really all that bad. I mean, sometimes it's good to say goodbye to people, especially if said person(s) aren't good for you. And when you say goodbye, a whole new world opens up. It's with saying goodbye that one can change. How boring would it be if you never broadened your horizons through the process of saying goodbye?

I have to tell you, I'm glad I said goodbye to Boulder last year when I decided to go out-of-state for college! If I hadn't, I wouldn't have become the person I became.

Same goes for saying a temporary goodbye to America last summer, too. That trip to Japan pushed my boundaries in a lot of ways, and I'm sure glad it did!

So, here's to goodbyes! May they always reside in this world! (Just maybe they can lighten their approach a bit).