10:43 AM

Pourquoi je deteste le violon...

I detest the violin because, in my opinion, it, as well as other stringed instruments (witht he exception of the harp and its family members), is one of the most difficult instructments to play when it come to the technical stuff. Pianists have it easy: the notes are all layed out right there; no guess work involved in that one! Just plunk down your finger and....GASP! It's a miracle! I played a perfectly in tune fourth octave C!!!!! (If any of you who read this are pianists, please don't take this personally). I understand that wind and brass instruments are hard because you have to breathe in order to make a sound and if you don't breathe in the right way then you only receive a considerably awful sounding squak for your efforts, but you still only have to press down a bunch of keys inorder to get the correct notes (I know it's different for brass, but, frankly, this is my rant so I'm not going to acknowledge that. No offense meant). With us wonderful stringed instruments there's so many things you can do in order to sound like a dying cat. If you play too far over the fingerboard, if your finger doesn't have enough pressure on the string, if your peg slips (and that, by the way, is one of the most annoying things to happen), if you play too close to the bridge, if you apply too much pressure on the bow, if there's not enough pressure on the bow, if you don't use enough bow, if you use too little bow, if our fingering isn't correct, I could on and on and on and on. So that is why I detest the violin, especially when I have to play fast extremely high notes.