12:41 PM

Countdown: 5 Weeks

So the count-down to the end of the school year has officially begun. There are five weeks left of my Freshman year.

I guess I have mixed feeling about this. I'm glad that there won't be school for three months, but at the same time, I'll be away from all of my good friends here for three months and I'll be working (and possibly taking a summer class). Also, we're moving. My mom, my sister, and I, I mean. Come August, the van will be stuffed full of boxes and we'll be driving across Kansas, Missouri, Southern Illinois, and Souther Indiana to make a new home in Lexington, Kentucky. I'm not so sure I like this. Yes, I'll be closer to school and to many of my new-found friends, but I'll have to leave my beloved mountains behind, not to mention friends I've had since kindergarten and my two beautiful dogs. I guess that's an idicator that I don't really want my life to change. However, change is inevitable. In fact, that was one of the reason why I chose UE. I wanted something new. I wanted new faces and a chance to be a new me. But I still wanted to have my "base of operations" in Colorado. Besides, Kentucky will never really be home to me. I spent my formative years in Boulder, not Lexington.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, moving away from the place you've lived for long is sad (An)