I can't believe it's been two weeks since I left the US! Time here flys by so quickly! Yet, at the same time, it feels as though I've been here for much longer than two weeks. I suppose it's because there has been so much I've done. I've met tons of new people, became involved in yearbook, spent 3 days in London, experienced an Anglican service, and so much more. They tend to keep us busy here at Harlaxton, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, it just occassionally drives you crazy.

Oh, my Gosh! Harlaxton is absolutely gorgeous! Honestly, the photographs that I'd looked at so many time before coming here (and indeed the ones I have taken) cannot do it justice! There are many times when I'm walking from class to class or treking around the grounds that it suddenly amazes me that I'm actually here. In many ways the semester almost feels surreal. I wonder if it will be like this throughout the whole semester or if at some point things will seem much more concrete.
As I was saying, a lo
t has been happening these past two weeks. The second evening we were there, we had an elegant dinner with all of the faculty in the Long Gallery, which is basically the largest room in the manor. It's also where we have all of our British Studies lectures. The next event we had was the Ceillidh (pronounced Kay-lee). This is basically a dance, except all of the dancing we did was traditional dances from many parts of Europe. We learned a polka, and several Irish and Scottish dances (the one we learned from Scotland was most certainly the most difficult one). The band was live and the dancing was great, which made for a wonderfully fun evening. Then, this past weekend, was the college trip to London.
We left for London at 8:45 on Friday morning and arrived around 12:3
0 and took a coach (bus) tour around the city. Then, a group of eight of us wandered around for a couple of hours before deciding to split into two smaller groups after dinner to go to a pub. The group I was with decided we would prefer to go to a coffee house, and we were going to try one of the actual British ones, except we weren't exactly sure what we would order and therefore decided to go to Starbucks (which was okay because we were basically the only Americans there). Saturday was spent being a tourist during the day and seeing a comedy/mystery called The 39 Steps in the evening. The show was great and all of us enjoyed it. Sunday, was the college tour of Hampton Court Palace, which would have been great, except that many of us were done with being tourists for the weekend and it was cold and windy. Not exactly the greatest weather conditions for touring an old castle.
Other than those events, I've had plenty of homework and I've started my work study in the library (which is very dull and I use it more for homework time than anything else).
Sounds like you are having fun :P I'm envious!!!
Yay pictures!
Don't wear yourself out ok? Have a pajama party and relax sometimes!
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