10:39 AM

A Typical Sunday

So, I thought I should give people an idea of what a Sunday generally looks like for me.

First, I sleep until around 10 if I'm going to mass on campus. If I'm going to church over at the Christian Family Church or at St. Ben's, then I have to get up earlier (8 for CFC and 9 for St. Ben's).

If I'm not going to CFC, then I get brunch over at Dunnigan Dining at about 11:00. When I go to mass here, I usually sing or participate in the greeting of partitioners. For that, I need to be at Neu Chapel at about 12:15. Mass starts at 1:00, and is usually done at around 2:00. Then, I head back to my room and clean and study, because generally this hasn't gotten done yet.

So, there you have it. A typical Sunday. Saturdays are even more uneventful.