12:56 PM

Zodiac Junky

Well, this morning on my facebook I had an invite to add an application for my "real" zodiac sign. After I entered the usual birthdate, palce, and time (December 14; Westlake Village, CA; 2:00 PM), my "real" sign turned out to Ophiuchus, or the Serpent-Bearer. So, that naturally got me intrigued, and I ended up looking up this mysterious 13th sign. Anyway, here's some of the stuff I found out.

First, the websites I looked at:

Anyway, the first thing I found out is that the whole thing is actually pretty controversial in the world of astrology.

You see, the whole got started because astronomers determined that there are actually thirteen ecliptic constellations (constellations that the sun passes through). These are: Aqaurius, Capricornus, Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, Scorpius, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces. One reason why I can see the whole thing being controversial is because if you look at a chart of the ecliptic constellations (http://www.geocities.com/astrologystations/images/eqmapwhite.gif) you can see that Ophiuchus actually "overlaps" the boundaries of Sagitarius and Scorpius. This completely disrupts the even boundaries for the zodiac signs, as well. If you were to include Ophiuchus in the zodiac, Scoprio would only last about nine days. It also makes it extremely hard to determine other aspects of the sign, like its element, planet association, birthstone, and characteristics.

Some astrologers have been able to come up with specific chracters of the sign:

interpreter of dreams, vivid premonitions; attracts good luck and fruitful blessings; serpent holder, lofty ideals; a seeker of peace and harmony; doctor of medicine or science, natural-pathic; adds, increases, joins, or gathers together; poetical, inventive nature, expanding qualities; seeks higher education and wisdom;overseer, supervisor of work; fame - either grand, or completely misunderstood; longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man; architect, builder, reaches for the stars, figuratively and literally; tax assessor, or levys taxes; astrological talents, intuitive; large family indicated, but apt to be separated from them when young; the number twelve holds great significance; foresight and good fortune to benefit from hard times; has secret enemies in family or close associations; many jealous of this subject; notable father, apple of father's eye when young; high position in life expected [depending on aspects] highest fame and legend comes after death; feelings of granular, wise, genius mentality; likes to wear clothing of vibrant colors, and plaids in particular; receives the favor of those in authority (http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=183231)

Many people are envious of this subject as he progresses well throughout life. A seeker of wisdom and knowledge. Many people are jealous of this person. Tends to go for the more flamboyant in dress sense, favouring bright colours. Authority looks upon him well. Would make a great architect or builder. Number 12 is this persons lucky number. This person will have a big family but leave home at an early age. (http://www.love-astrology.com/13th-sign-of-the-zodiac/ophiuchus-13th-sign/)

But honestly, I think it's almost a little bit riddiculus for the sign to have a completely separate set of attributes from the two signs it overlaps. To me, it makes much more sense that the sign would share characteristics with Scorpio and Sagittarius. Of course, most people are going to want to have their "own" attributes and not just a conglomeration of Ophiuchus' next-door neighbors.

Personally, I much more agree witht he author of: http://home.ptd.net/~myth1313/grimzodiac.html. "Ophichus (or Serpentarus)- the Serpent Holder or Serpent Wrestler (November 30-December 17) the "thirteenth" Zodiac Sign- Not too many people who are aware that there is a 13th symbol in the Zodiac that for the most part has been overlooked. There are many reasons for this, but it would be novel in size trying to explain everything. For the most part, Ophiuchus has been left out because of our modern calendar (12 months, 12 signs). Supposedly Ophichus (known as Asclepius) was the Son of Apollo and a mortal woman. He was given the power by the goddess Athena to resurrect the dead including the more famous Orion, the hunter. He was killed by a bolt of lightning from Zeus who had been requested to do so by Hades. As Asclepius was resurrecting, Hades was worried that the Underworld was not getting as many dead as he should be. He was turned into a constellation to appease Apollo. Not much is known about Ophichus as a Zodiac, except that those who were born under him share the attributes of both Scorpio and Sagittarius, the Element is spirit, or Akasha. The Birthstone is Unknown. His symbol was also the Caduceus."

In any case, I think the whole idea is pretty neat, as I've always felt that I'm more of a mix between Sagitarius and Scorpio; however, I doubt that the 13th sign will ever make its way into our "accepted" image of astrology, as 12 is a much nicer number, plus people tend to be set in their ways (especially when the ways have existed for over 2200 years).

This whole thing actually reminds me a lot of the "13th" sign of the Chinese zodiac.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in the subject, feel free to check out the links I've posted and add your comments. I would love to hear your opinions!

10:35 PM


So I admit it. I'm jealous. But, hey, I'm human, right?

I'm jealous that my high school orchestra is in Europe. And I'm not. My class was supposed to go to Spain and Portugal, but no, the stupid guys from Al Quaida had to go and blow stuff up! So, instead, I didn't get to go to Spain and Portugal. And they get to go to Vienna. Of course, the ones who are going will probably end up travelling to Europe again, or maybe they've already been there several times.

I guess the only satisfaction I can get out of this is that when I'm in Europe, I'm be in England for an entire semester and then in France for another semester. Plus, I won't have to take my instrument. More souveniers for me! Also, I'll be making new friends. They're stuck with each other!

It still doesn't make my jealousy disappear, though.

10:41 PM


It seems like my life is filled with goodbyes. Maybe they aren't always emminent, but they're always there.

Today, I said goodbye to six more Japanese students. Tuesday, I say goodbye to the rest of the guys from last summer, and later this summer I say goodbye to all of my friends here in Colorado.

But, you know, goodbyes aren't really all that bad. I mean, sometimes it's good to say goodbye to people, especially if said person(s) aren't good for you. And when you say goodbye, a whole new world opens up. It's with saying goodbye that one can change. How boring would it be if you never broadened your horizons through the process of saying goodbye?

I have to tell you, I'm glad I said goodbye to Boulder last year when I decided to go out-of-state for college! If I hadn't, I wouldn't have become the person I became.

Same goes for saying a temporary goodbye to America last summer, too. That trip to Japan pushed my boundaries in a lot of ways, and I'm sure glad it did!

So, here's to goodbyes! May they always reside in this world! (Just maybe they can lighten their approach a bit).