3:47 PM

Exciting News

Excitement! I just discovered that I can get an ENL (English as a New Language) degree while doing all of my other crazy plans for my double-major and a minor! It'll be a lot of work, but I'm pretty sure that I can do it, especially since I'll be getting so much credit for my French major while I'm off in France.

I already have my French major halfway done (being in 434 and all). I only need one 300-level class, and three more 400-level classes, all of which I can get credit for while in France. The only other class I'd have to take would be the senior seminar (which is also the senior sem for my education major).

I'll also be able to take the ENL practicum while in France through an independant study with my internship.

The best part is I can still spend another semester in Japan. Of course, I'll still be a fifth year senior, but at least I can still do everything I want to!

So, naturally, this makes me EXCITED!