1:31 PM

Le Weekend Passe

The past weekend I went on a trip with some of the members of Newman Club up north to the Notre Dame campus.

While there, we got a tour of the gorgeous basillica and part of the campus by two Brothers of the Holy Cross, Brother Vinny and Brother Chet. Unfortunately, the weather was fairly abysmal as it was rainy and freezing cold. However, this only made a lunch of hot chocolate and chili that was way better than Sodexo's, all the better.

3:47 PM

Exciting News

Excitement! I just discovered that I can get an ENL (English as a New Language) degree while doing all of my other crazy plans for my double-major and a minor! It'll be a lot of work, but I'm pretty sure that I can do it, especially since I'll be getting so much credit for my French major while I'm off in France.

I already have my French major halfway done (being in 434 and all). I only need one 300-level class, and three more 400-level classes, all of which I can get credit for while in France. The only other class I'd have to take would be the senior seminar (which is also the senior sem for my education major).

I'll also be able to take the ENL practicum while in France through an independant study with my internship.

The best part is I can still spend another semester in Japan. Of course, I'll still be a fifth year senior, but at least I can still do everything I want to!

So, naturally, this makes me EXCITED!

10:47 PM


So here's an overview of October for you since I haven't been writing lately. I think you'll see why after reading this post!

School has been picking up quite a bit, and not just academically, either! As of the end of this coming week I wll have two months left in the country, as January 8th I'm flying overseas to study abroad in Grantham, England at Harlaxton College. Because of this I've been attending orientation meetings, two of which were in this past month. Not only am I preparing to go to England, I'm also applying for CIEE's program in Rennes, France, which is complicating quite a few things in my life. Then, of course, there's all the clubs I'm involved in. I'm an officer for Japanese club, and I'm co-leading a small group for Newman Club on the catechism. And with the International Bazaar coming up on the 21st, I've inadvertantly added more to plate!

The International Bazaar is put on every year by the International Student Club (ISC). Every country on campus (except for the US) has a booth where they have food from their country and display their culture. It's a great event and a lot of fun, but it's also a lot of work, as I'm finding out all too quickly. This year, French club wants to put up a booth, and I got dragged into leading the booth when I told ISC that we wanted a booth and when other leaders within the club fell through on their commitment to getting things done. So now, in addition to my 19-hour class load, my work-study job, and my leadership positions in other clubs, I get to put the whole booth together, and if I don't get enough people to help out, I'll be doing pretty much on my own, too.

Other than busy, October has been a pretty awesome experience because I have my practicum at Washington Middle School every Monday and Wednesday morning. For the practicum, I'm observing, and occassionally teaching, in a French classroom. I love it, well, except for the half-hour walk it involves. My co-operating teacher is a very nice lady and I get along great with her. I've taught the class completely on my own only once, but I have led them in correcting their homework on several occasions. This coming Wednesday, I will even have the opportunity to teach my teacher! Her class just got a projector, so she needs help figuring out how to hook it up and everything. Hopefully I can get it to work!

Of course, this past weekend has been a lot of fun, it being Halloween and everything. Although the Student Activities Board Halloween Bash definately wasn't as exciting as last year's bash. However, Student Christian Fellowship's bonfire and hayride was a lot of fun, and not nearly as hot as last year! But not only was there Halloween, but today was a friend's birthday so we celebrated it Saturday night.

Other weekends were equally as fun, though. At the beginning of October, Talk Time, an English conversation group that's held by Christian Fellowship Church, had a trip to the Garden of the Gods in Illinois. The trip was amazing and the hiking actually wasn't half bad, not as difficult as I'm used to, but still very pleasant. And just before that was the Fall Festival, which is apparently the second largest street festival in the US. And this year was a heck of a lot better than last year!

So that's what I've been up to in the past month. Hopefully Novemebr won't be quite so crazy and I can actually write more!

10:44 PM

New Blog

I realized that I talk about religion a lot in this blog, so I thought I'd go ahead and create a blog for my Journey in Faith, dubbed "Faith." So if you like my musing of a religious nature, go check it out at http://okamifaith.blogspot.com/!