11:03 PM

The New Year and a New Semester: La nouvelle anee et un nouveau semestre

Well, here we are, 2008. And what a new year!

Resolutions: get out more, try talking to more people, worry less.

Reflection: why waste word count on that? It's just be too darned long. Overall, a good, but challenging year. And filled with some pretty awesome luck.

Well, this year has started rather interestingly. Let's see, I dyed my hair black, saw several old friends within a four day time period, was almost in a car wreck coming down from Keystone with Dad, and had a sticky situation about getting back up to UE from Lousiville. Let's just say that Lady Luck (or God, depending on how you look at it) is still with me. So thank you to the powers that be!

Anyway, I'm too tired to add in all the details.